Panama Guatemala Commercial Delegation
Panama Guatemala Commercial Delegation
As is known, foreign commercial delegations and activities performed at the international platform performed in recent years for the purpose of making contribution the national economy and export are getting increasing steadily.
In this context, an “Export Improvement Cooperation Protocol” was signed between Turkish Airlines and our Assembly for the purpose of increasing our market share and to generate new export opportunities; within the scope of the said protocol, delegation organizations are made on THY flights from Istanbul as deemed appropriate by THY for a certain participation fee. In this respect, it is foreseen to organize a Commercial Delegation to Panama and Guatemala on the occasion of THY's starting Istanbul – Bogota – Panama direct flights on 4 May 2016.
Panama and Guatemala Commercial Delegation will be a continuation of Argentina THY Businessmen Delegation, held on 9-12 November 2015, and Mexico and Colombia Commercial Delegation, held on 7-11 March 2016 within the framework of Turkey's Latin American Market opening policy, is planned to be organized on 17-22 July 2016. The draft program is given at the enclosure.
The said delegation will be organized for the purpose of generating new business and investment opportunities in Panama and Guatemala, which present significant business opportunities and are of a potential market nature, and for increasing our market share; it is considered useful for the firms to join the delegation, which produce and export products in accordance with international products in the sectors of automotive, construction and structure materials, electric and electronic, household appliances, furniture, textile, agricultural machines, cosmetics, chemical, plastic industry, food, serials and films, shipbuilding and jewelry or the firms which consider making investments in the related sectors.